
Sensuous & stimulating

High quality underwater spotlights for bath and whirlpool

Atmospheric bath lighting

Underwater spotlights built-in to the sides of the bath or whirlpool flood the water with light and create dazzling light effects in the water. You can choose from a wide range of colours based on your individual mood. Each colour has its own vibe and therefore a unique, highly specific effect on your well-being. Red light stimulates and is sensuous; green and blue are relaxing and harmonising. Colour therapy enhances the effects of the massage and relaxation in a whirlpool.

Wide range of products

Discover our bathroom products that match the bath light


Let go and relax


Feel reborn, every day


Purity in everyday life

Visit the showroom

Experience our range of whirlpool lighting

Experience repaBAD

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Ask us about lighting for your bath